10 Moments When a Career Coach Can Help

Over the years, career coaches have grown in popularity. Once seen as a luxury only top executives could afford, they are now thoroughly mainstream. The shifting perception of career coaches may have something to do with the increasing complexity of the workplace. Professionals are switching jobs more frequently, and companies are searching for ways to empower and retain their

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4 Things Your Resume Can’t Do

A great resume can further your career. The stronger it is, the more interviews you’ll land. An excellent resume can even get you headhunted! However, no matter how good your resume is, it can’t do all of the heavy lifting in the job search process. While it can make a fantastic first impression and provide employers with

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Can You Get a Good Job With a Bad Credit History?

When you have bad credit, it can feel like you’re a second-class citizen. The only debt products available to you are typically predatory and high interest, while a mortgage is pretty much off the table entirely. You may have trouble being approved for a rental, and utility companies might require a deposit to set up

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4 Tips for Your Small Business Job Interview

Believe it or not, small businesses accounted for two-thirds of all net new jobs in the US last year, according to data from the Small Business Administration. Working at a small business can provide numerous benefits, from the chance to take on a wider scope of projects to the opportunity to establish closer relationships with clients

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How to Create a Bulletproof Morning Routine

Article by Michael Pietrzak I woke at noon and saw no reason to get out of bed. It was a Wednesday, and I had been drinking wine until 5 a.m. that morning at a publishing industry living room party — a weekly occurrence for me. Eventually, I shuffled to the kitchen, made a little coffee, and

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5 Things to Know Before You Make a Career Change

A successful career transition takes planning. You’ll need to prove to an employer you have transferable skills that will help you be effective in a new role outside your previous career path. You’ll also need to communicate why a career transition makes sense for you. If you’re planning to make a transition soon or are in

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